Finite Geometries - A Guide
Selected Finite-Geometry Links:

Links - Elementary

Finite-Geometry article at Wikipedia

Noelle Evans - Finite Geometry Problem Page

Bill Cherowitzo - lecture notes for Combinatorial Structures

Links - Intermediate

Bill Cherowitzo - lecture notes for Higher Geometry II

Juergen Bierbrauer - Finite Geometries (ps, 137 pp.)

Peter J. Cameron - Projective and Polar Spaces (pdf, 176 pp.)

Chris Godsil - Finite Geometry (pdf, 81pp.)

Simeon Ball - An Introduction to Finite Geometry (pdf, 61 pp.)

Arnold Neumaier - Some Sporadic Geometries Related to PG(3,2) (scanned, 8 pp.)

Steven H. Cullinane - Finite Geometry of the Square and Cube

Links - Advanced

Finite-Geometry Resources on the Web (Ghent University)

Recent Theses in Finite Geometry

Peter J. Cameron - Lecture Notes on the Web

Bill Cherowitzo - Research Interests and Papers

Quantum Physics Related to Finite Geometry

Particle Physics Related to Finite Geometry

Selected Books:

These books supply background for the study of finite geometry, but they are not all limited to that topic.

Books - Elementary

The Geometry of Incidence
, by Harold L. Dorwart
(Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1966. xvii+156 pp.)

Projective Geometry
, by H. S. M. Coxeter
(Springer, 2nd ed., 2003, 162 pp.)

Books - Intermediate

Projective Geometry, Vol. I, by Oswald Veblen and John Wesley Young, Ginn and Company, 1910

Projective Geometry, Vol. II, by Oswald Veblen and John Wesley Young, Ginn and Company, 1918

Geometry and Symmetry, by Paul B. Yale
(Dover 1988 republication of the 1968 Holden-Day edition, 299 pp.)

Design Theory, Volume 1, by Thomas Beth, D. Jungnickel, and H. Lenz
(Cambridge U. Press, 2nd ed., 1999, 1120 pp.)

Design Theory, Volume 2, by Thomas Beth, D. Jungnickel, and H. Lenz,
(Cambridge U. Press, 2nd ed., 2000, 513 pp.)

Books - Advanced

Stanley E. Payne - Topics in Finite Geometry
(online edition of 16 May 2007, pdf, 945 pp.)

Finite Geometries, by Peter Dembowski
(Springer Classics in Mathematics, 1997 reprint of the 1968 edition, 375 pp.)

Projective Geometries over Finite Fields, by J. W. P. Hirschfeld
(Oxford Mathematical Monographs, 2nd. ed., 1998, 576 pp.)

Finite Projective Spaces of Three Dimensions
, by J. W. P. Hirschfeld
(Oxford Mathematical Monographs, 1986, 370 pp.)

The Finite Simple Groups, by Robert A. Wilson
(Springer, 2009, xv + 298 pp.)  Many group actions on finite geometries are described.

Diagram Geometry: Geometry Related to Groups for Graduate Students, by Francis Buekenhout and Arjeh M. Cohen, Springer Verlag, to appear

Combinatorics of Spreads and Parallelisms, by Norman Johnson


List of people who have connections to finite geometry
(maintained by the Research Group Incidence Geometry at Ghent University)

This page is maintained by Steven H. Cullinane

Image copyright 2006 by Steven H. Cullinane.